Downloads and views - Time Series

Number of downloads and views in the period.

Total Year Month Day

Item Handle
(eg. 1822/417)


Title : Avaliação de luzernas anuais (Medicago spp.) em condições determinadas de acidez do solo
Entry Date : 14-01-2015
Downloads and viewsExport
Year Downloads Views
2017 0,0 6
2018 0,0 4
2019 1,0 49
2020 0,0 80
2021 1,0 155
2022 2,0 127
2023 5,0 183
2024 8,0 131
17,0 735
Downloads and views per year
Downloads by country (top 10)
Views by country (top 10)
Downloads by countryExport
Origin Downloads Perc.(%)
United States United States 13,0 76,47
China China 3,0 17,65
New Zealand New Zealand 1,0 5,88
17,0 100,00
Views by countryExport
Origin Views Perc.(%)
Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova 497 62,52
United States United States 166 20,88
N/A N/A 70 8,81
China China 39 4,91
Canada Canada 11 1,38
Portugal Portugal 6 0,75
Germany Germany 5 0,63
Sweden Sweden 1 0,13
795 100,00